Apply grace!
I am the mother of 3, and one day our 5-year-old, came home from school disappointed, and upset because he did not have the best day. It is easy as parents to harp on and make our children feel bad for simply having an off day.
How many times have we had bad days, and ended up making decisions that we still are not proud of?
Well in that moment the Lord had me to pause and began to explain to our boy that bad days happen, it is a part of life. We expressed that when you know that the day is not one of your best, you have the power in that moment to choose to do something about it. Here is what the Lord said:
Level Up
Rise Above it!
And Keep Moving Forward!
So I say to you mother, father, sister, brother, teacher, lawyer, friend, that when you are not having a great day like you planned, remember that you ALWAYS hold the power to do something to change the trajectory of your day. You do not have to hold on to the mistakes made, you can apply grace and keep moving forward. There is something more for you, so keep on pressing!
Philippians 3:14 “I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus”